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How We View God

How we view God will have the single most impact on our relationship with God. In turn, our view of God will impact the level of JOY and PEACE we can enjoy.

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."

― A.W. Tozer (The Knowledge of the Holy)  


If we focus on God's holiness, righteousness and justice without an equal focus on His mercy, grace and love we will end up feeling insignificant without the comfort that God knows better than us and is loving, compassionate, understanding, and patient beyond our understanding. This will not give us lasting JOY and PEACE.

If we focus on God being loving, compassionate, understanding and patient than we will tend to think we can act however we would like and not suffer consequences. This will not give us lasting JOY and PEACE.

If we focus on God's omniscience, sovereignty, omnipotence and start to question His ways based on a human perspective, we will end up questioning God. This will not give us lasting JOY and PEACE.

If we focus on our view of what God should be, we will tend to have a shifting view of God that is not based on faith, but based on human perspective which changes like the wind. This will not give us lasting JOY and PEACE.

While in our human minds, we will never have a 100% accurate and clear understanding of God, we can strive to improve on our view of God. As a result,  we begin to understand how His sovereignty, omniscience, omnipotence, and holiness work together with his love, grace, and mercy that leads to us giving up control of 'our way' being the 'best way'. Even though it's hard to put this in action and have complete confidence, God is a better driver if we let Him.  This will not give us lasting JOY and PEACE.

Our Thought's Are Not God's Thoughts


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neigher are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Isaiah 55:8,9


Do we truly believe that God knows what's better for us than we do? 

Do we truly believe that God knows what's better whatever the situation?

Do we truly believe that God knows what's better whatever the situation?

The Two Most Dangerous Lies
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